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B l o w v e r b o d

Blowverbod is dutch for Prohibition of Smoking pot in Public Places!

blowverbodThe Amsterdam De Baarsje district came up with the above "No Smoking" signs. There were just too many local dopeheads in the small streets the tourists are seeking out. So they now have "No Dope Smoking" zones and a €50.- fine for violations.

Of course the first signs were immediately STOLEN...
But being smart business people... the De Baarsje administration is selling these now for €90 plus shipping!!!

Order the original KochxBos ©2006 Blowverbodsbord here!

r e a d m o r e : Amsterdam "No Toking" Signs being Pilfered
Baarsjes wil 1 februari beginnen met blowverbod Mercatorplein e.o.
anthronaut (Gast) - So, 2. Jul, 09:40

no blow area! hahaha

warauduati (Gast) - Di, 4. Jul, 13:01

very funny indeed ... hope after last night they don't come up with "no blow areas" in the e-garden ;-) cheers ...

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