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Who else! R2D2: Secret leader of the rebellion ...


(i found it on Boin Boing)

Keith Martin's "A New Sith, or Revenge of the Hope: Reconsidering Star Wars IV in the light of I-III" is an essay that
convincingly argues that R2D2 is actually the secret leader of the Rebellion:

For the next 20 years, as far as 3PO knows, he is the property of Captain Antilles, doing protocol duties on a diplomatic transport.
He is vaguely aware of the existence of the princess but doesn't know much about her. Wherever 3PO goes, being as loud and obvious
as he always is, his unobtrusive little counterpart goes with him. 3PO is R2's front man. Wherever they land, R2 is passing messages
between rebel sympathisers and sizing up governments as potential rebel recruits - both by personal contact and by hacking into their networks.
He passes his recommendations on to Organa.
Yoda is out of the picture by this stage, using the Force-infused swamps of Dagobah to hide himself from Vader and the Emperor. Or something.
He is meditating on the future and keeping in touch with Obi-Wan via the ghost of Qui-Gon Jin, which as comm systems go
has the virtue of being untappable. Obi-Wan, on Tattoine, keeps in touch with Bail Organa and the other Rebel leaders by courier, of which more later.

As Star Wars opens, R2 is rushing the Death Star plans to the Rebellion. R2, not Leia. The plans are always in R2. What Leia puts into him
in the early scene is only her own holographic message to Kenobi. Leia's own mission, as she says in the holographic message, is to pick up
Obi-Wan and take him to Alderaan - or so she thinks. Actually, her father just wants her to meet Kenobi, which up to this point she never has.
There's a reason for that.

Obi-Wan has spent the last 20 years in the Tattoine desert, keeping watch over Luke Skywalker and trying to decide on one
of the three available options:
A) If Luke shows no significant access to the Force, then leave him alone in obscurity
B) If Luke shows real Force ability, then consider recruiting him as a Jedi. The rebellion needs Jedi. Now.
But, if Luke shows any signs of turning out like his father, then
C) sneak into his house one fine night and chop his head off. With great regret but it'll save a lot of trouble later on.
Knowing this to be the case, Bail Organa (perhaps at the insistence of his wife) has found excuses not to send Leia to Ben for
assessment of Jedi potential, largely for fear of option C.


read more here!
Ender (Gast) - Fr, 26. Jan, 11:13

Ich find ja solche "Analysen" immer ganz lustig, zumal sie oft Fehler im Skript aufdecken. Dreht man aber den Spieß um und durchleutet die Geschichte mit der gleichen Genauigkeit... die Autoren würden wohl kein gutes Haar an ihrer eigenen Geschichte lassen... ;)
Aber wie gesagt, ist lustig zum Lesen!

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Smithd980 (Gast) - So, 29. Jun, 21:07


Yeah bookmaking this wasn't a risky conclusion outstanding post! eefdedekfkcgeefe

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